If you have difficult or broken relationship , you are suffering from a broken heart, or hold any resentment or blame toward another person for anything , you can change it through gratitude. Gratitude will magically improve any difficult relationship, whether that person is a husband or wife , brother or a sister , son or daughter , partner, boss, business , client , work, colleague , mother or father in law ,parent , friend or neighbor.When we are faced with a difficult relationship or a challenging situation in a relationship, in almost all cases, were not in the lest bit grateful for the other person. Instead , were busy blaming the other person for the problems we have with them, and that means we don't have shared of gratitude. Blame is never going to make relationship better , and its never going to make your life better.In fact , the more you blame, the worse the relationship gets, and the worse your life gets,Whether its a current relationship or past relationship, If you harbor bad feelings toward another person , practicing gratitude will eliminate those feelings . According to Gautama Buddha : " Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else , You are the one who gets burned"
Bad feelings about another person burn your life but gratitude will eliminate them!
The four things you must do now to save your relationship and turn to magically change to happy ending:
1. Count your blessing : Make a list of ten blessing you received from person you wanted to with. Reread your list and at the end of each blessing say " Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and feel as a grateful for the blessing as you can.
2. Choose one difficult, problematic, or broken relationship that you want to improve.
3. Sit down and make a written list of ten things you're grateful for about the person you've chosen. Write it down in the following way:
Name , I'm grateful for
what? .
for example: Christine, I am grateful to you for the great things we had ,and for the friendship we have for all the time until we get old . The joy I receive from you everyday could not be without your love and your kindness as my true sister.
4. just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your list and read again and say the magic things. " Thank you for the best thing that happened during the day.
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